Authentication / Authorization Faq

How do I authenticate?

I don't see data or I'm getting access denied for Weather, Webcams.

Snowreporting FAQ

Why are data points missing for certain resorts?

Where can I find the common fields for each ski culture?

Why is the SnowCondtion field blank?

Weather FAQ.

Data Frequency FAQ

  • Data doesn't change frequently. Monthly update would suffice
  • Profile data is generally updated in the early fall as resorts prepare for the winter season.
  • In full season Weekly; at most daily update.
  • Early season you may want to update more frequently; at most daily.
Snowreport6 HoursHourly
  • Data changes frequently.
  • Data update times can correspond to the local time; popular update times are 6AM - 10AM.
  • Updates frequency depends on factors such size, popularity and the resorts update schedule.
  • During season we recommend to pull down the snowreport every few hours
  • Webcams only run during the Sunrise / Sunset for the resorts local time
  • Data changes very frequently.
  • Cams are updated on hourly basis; a good time to get cam updates in on the hour 08:00 09:00.
  • Forecast are update every 30 minutes - however the data does not necessarily change that fast.
  • Forecasts are a roll up of weather data for the date and are not minute by minute weather conditions.
  • Data changes very frequently.
  • You can usually update the weather every few hours; anything less than a hour is wasteful.


The France resorts in my feed does not have any data about km of runs. Why?

Why doesn't any of the Austrian resorts have any green runs?

None of US resorts appear to list number of runs. Why?

NO/SE resorts never have any snow depth. Why?

Who provides the weather data?

Why is the SnowCondtion field blank?